What is the CPBI Philippine Census of Business and Industry? How should businesses respond?



CPBI, known as the Census of Philippine Business and Industry, is organized by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

A major statistical event that takes place every five years.

The main objective of this census is to collect and generate information on the level, structure and trends of economic activity in the country.

 What industries does the census cover?


CPBI covers a wide range of economic sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining, construction and services.

Through detailed statistics on these sectors, CPBI can provide important reference data for government and non-government organizations to help formulate and implement economic plans and projects.

The data collected by CPBI includes information on the number of firms, employment, remuneration, income, expenditure, fixed assets, capital expenditure, capacity utilization, inventory and value addition.

These data are broken down by region and industry, providing detailed data support for a comprehensive understanding of Philippine economic activity and the specific performance of various industries.



The CPBI provides critical data support for understanding the Philippine economy as a whole and is an important tool for policy formulation and economic development.

Accurate and complete census data are essential for economic planning and development, so the cooperation of businesses is essential.


Attention! Attention! Attention!

Don't just discard the letter when you receive it, bosses!

Under the provisions of Republic Act No. 10625:

PSA has the authority to collect census-related information, and businesses that fail to cooperate with the census could face fines ranging from ₱100,000 to ₱500,000.

Therefore, businesses that receive a letter from PSA should take it seriously and provide the required data.

However, as stated in the letter PSA will also ensure that all data provided will be kept strictly confidential and used only for statistical purposes and will not be used in any legal proceedings.

Businesses can provide the information without fear of data leakage or other risks.

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